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Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

  • These terms and conditions are the standard terms which apply and their purpose is to offer clarity as well as protection to Vida Wellness Club and its clients. 

  • The business name is Vida Wellness Club and is based in England, UK. Our registered address is 111 Newland Avenue, Bishop’s Stortford, CM23 2UW, Hertfordshire. 

  • Our contact details are:



2. Membership Terms

  • We offer a Free Trial class for new participants. This can be booked on our website or by contacting us at:

  • Vida Wellness Club classes are provided on a termly basis. A term refers to a specific period of time (roughly  7, 8 , 9 or 10 weeks), the exact dates of which will be found on the website and are determined by the business partners, Adri Welham and Laura Martinez. 

  • We offer three different memberships: Dance Only (1 dance class a week), Pilates Only (1 Pilates class a week) and Unlimited (all Dance and Pilates classes on the timetable). You can sign up for any of these memberships by contacting us at and we’ll send you a registration/payment link.

  • Vida Wellness Club reserves the right to review and change its class fees periodically. Changes will be notified at least 30 days in advance. 

  • All terms must be paid in full with an allowance of a maximum of 2 weeks for absences (Example: in a 10-week term members will pay for a minimum of 8 weeks if they know they cannot attend the full 10 weeks. In this case members need to notify Vida Wellness Club so they can receive the payment link for 8 weeks). 

  • Pay as-you-go classes are not permitted. If you are a new customer to Vida Wellness Club and you join our classes just before the end of a term you may book the remaining weeks of the term pro-rata.

  • Strictly, no refunds will be issued. 

3. Payment Terms 

  • All memberships must be paid in advance before the start of the term or before regular classes can be attended. 

  • Payments can be made via payment links sent by Vida Wellness Club, bank transfer and debit card (in limited cases we will accept cash. Please contact us if you cannot use any of the payment methods listed above). 


4. Missed sessions

  • A sustained illness or injury. If you become injured or suffer a serious illness for a sustained number of weeks, then you should contact Adri or Laura as soon as possible through You may be able to freeze your payment until you have recovered. Each case is treated individually and all cases are at Our Sole Discretion. Rolling over sessions due to illnesses such as colds, flu, Covid etc is not permitted.


5. Cancellation / rescheduling of classes by Vida Wellness Club

  • We may cancel/reschedule a class at any time before the advertised time and date of that class in the following circumstances (if a class is cancelled, we will reschedule it as soon as we can):

  • The required instructor necessary for the class is not available,

  • there is a problem with the venue or wifi (if the class is online) or

  • any event out of the control of Vida Wellness Club. 


6. Health and Safety

  • New members must complete a health questionnaire before participating in any classes (PARQ), which will be supplied to you as an online link or in paper.

  • Members are responsible for their own health and should consult a doctor before starting any fitness programme.

  • By signing up to a membership, participants acknowledge that they are physically fit to engage in exercise and waive any liability for injuries sustained during classes. 


7. Code of Conduct

  • We expect members to arrive well in time for class so please give yourself enough time to navigate traffic, park and be ready before the class actually starts. 

  • We expect members to be respectful to instructors and to each other. 

  • Please wear appropriate clothing and shoes for the classes and bring bottled water to keep yourself hydrated. 


8. Privacy Policy

  • We are committed to protecting your privacy. Your personal data will only be used for Vida Wellness club-related activities and will not be shared with third parties without your consent. 

  • Photography and videos taken in class and events may be used for Vida Wellness Club marketing purposes. Should a member not want to appear in these photos or videos, they must let us know in writing. 


9. Amendments to Terms and Conditions

  • Vida Wellness Club reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions. Members will be notified of any changes via email/newsletter. 

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